Thursday, August 3, 2017

Student.Go - Met on the Way Part 4

Co-workers sometimes show up in the strangest places. We met the Student.Go intern who will be working with Keith in Spain, for instance, in a Cracker Barrel in Monroe, Louisiana.* We were eating there with some of Keith's cousins and some of the cousin's kids. Scott Knight is one of those kids, though he isn't a kid anymore. He is a young adult with a good background in Spanish language and an interest in so many things that he hasn't yet finished college.

This  last part reminded Keith of himself at that age. Keith felt led to ask if Scott would be interested in helping on his next recording for Faith Comes By Hearing. The next recording project, in Spain, will be of a contemporary translation of the Spanish New Testament called La Palabra.
Recordings of this already exist . . . in Latin American Spanish. There is even a greater difference between European Spanish and Latin American Spanish than there is between British English and North American English.
More Cousins at Cracker Barrel

Keith, Scott, and the rest of the La Palabra team hope to begin recording in Madrid in early October.

Scott has already begun fund-raising for his trip. His goal is to raise his $3,000 travel costs. If you feel led to contribute, donations can be made via Madrid Missions.

If you feel led to be part of his prayer team, leave a comment on the same page or contact us.

Are you are interested in applying for a Student.Go missions internship yourself? CONTACT:  STUDENT.GO@CBF.NET.

*For those of you who are not Americans, Cracker Barrel is a restaurant chain found mainly in the Southern U.S. And this one might have been in West Monroe.

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