Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Seeing With God's Eyes

Note: This was originally posted by Tanya on our blog on August 7:
This morning in church, Jon’s sermon was about the faith that Peter had to walk on the water (Peter has a bit of a bad rep, but we often forget that he was the only one to even attempt it!). Jon made a connection to the passage in Numbers 13 where the spies are sent into the Promised Land. When they bring their report back, everyone agrees that it is an amazing new land (flowing with milk and honey). While Joshua and Caleb believe that with God’s help they can conquer the people, the other ten are fearful and say ‘we looked like grasshoppers in our own eyes.’
This kind of faith sees life – and ourselves — through God’s eyes, not our own.
With our own eyes, we know we will sink.
With our own eyes, we are small compared to our obstacles.
With my own eyes, I wonder if we will really ever raise the money necessary to follow Gods calling.
But with God’s eyes, everything is different. When Peter started using his own eyes again, he sunk. Because the leaders of Israel saw the land of Canaan with their own eyes, they were forced to wander in the desert another 40 years.
This lesson doesn’t just pertain to someone moving half way around the world. We all have things that God calls us to do every day that take God’s eyes. We must remember the ways that God has already brought us through the wilderness – and longs to lead us into fullness.
May we not wander in the wilderness another 40 years!
May we all see through the eyes of God – and may we be like Caleb and say, “[With God] we can certainly do it!”

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways

Challenge #1: the heating system in the Bethlehem Baptist Church, Moldova, does not actually warm the building. Last winter, they met somewhere else for worship.
SOLUTION #1: supporters generously gave to the church's building fund.

Challenge #2: what to do to fix the heating situation?
SOLUTION #2: ask energy expert Willem Jan Oosterkamp, from the Netherlands, who recommends a free-standing heater.

Challenge #3: how to get such a thing from here to there.
Challenge #4: friend from Romania needs place to stay for a few days in the Netherlands.
SOLUTION #4: ask Oosterkamps if friend can stay in their spacious house; they agree.
SOLUTION #3 a: tell God that if He wants it there, He needs to provide a way.
SOLUTION #3b: ask Romanian friend for ideas.
SOLUTION #3b: friend offers to take heater back with him and deliver it to the Romanian/Moldovan border.

CONCLUSION: Praise God, the Lord moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ruth School 2011-2012 Year Begins

The 2011-2012 Ruth School year has begun! The students and their parents began to arrive around 8AM to await the opening ceremony on the soccer court. They excitedly lined up by grade with flowers for their teacher in hand. Giggles and shouts of greeting were heard over and over. Our former director, now art teacher, Ms Tita, introduced our new director and 1st grade teacher, Ms Virginia. Each class and their teacher were recognized with applause.
The 4th grade formed an arch way on the front steps of the school. Each class paraded down the sidewalk and into the building through the waving flowers. It was very festive!

In the 1st grade room there were a few tears as parents left their young ones in "big" school for the first time. Ms Virginia reassured them their children would be OK. I was struck by the thought that parents are the same the world over - that first day of 1st grade is traumatic no matter what culture you live in!

It was a wonderful start to a new year. Join us in praying for a great year for all!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sinti New Testament

Wycliffe translator Armin Peter distributing the Sinti New Testament at a tent meeting in France.

Sinti man reading New Testament to his customers.

Young ladies each want to try reading the New Testament in their heart language.