Recently there have been several high-profile cases of children
being removed from Romany families—one in Greece and two in Ireland. The idea
that Romany steal gadje (non-Romany)
children has been part of European folklore for centuries. Ironically, the
reverse is also true. One of Keith’s Romany friends said that, when he was a
child, his parents used to tell him that if he didn’t behave, the gadje would come and take him away.
I myself experienced this. We had been invited to a Romany
pastor’s home after the Sunday worship service. The women and children gathered
around the kitchen table while the men ate and chatted in the more comfortable
living room. The grandmother seemed to have trouble getting one of the little
boys to eat and periodically fixed him with a serious look, said something in
Romany, and gestured towards me. Clearly, if he didn’t behave that strange gadje woman would carry him off.
That amused me, but there is nothing amusing about jerking
children out of their families without just cause. The European Roma Rights
Centre notes:
Authorities must take a proportionate, responsible approach
to child protection, based on facts and evidence, not on racial profiling. As a
matter of principle, police action based on perceived difference in physical
appearance between parents and children constitutes racial profiling . . . . We
call on all national authorities to act in line with their own child protection
procedures, and to show responsibility and restraint.
They have produced two factsheets explaining some of the core
issues Romany children face including “a short overview of legal standards
relating to racial profiling and child removal.”
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