Sunday, June 29, 2014

Mary in Moldova

Thank you for your prayers. I am feeling better. So are Els and Berta. No one else has become ill. For this we are truly grateful.

I am switching bedrooms tonight. I am tired of the nightly hound choir supplemented in the early morning with the daily rooster competition. It's quieter on the other side of the building.

We've started the program for teenaged girls. The children's program seems to have gone well. The best day of the children’s program was the day I was unable to come. Don't know if that was it or if it was because we persuaded a local Roma church member to translate the main points into Usari.

This evening during the regular worship service the children will sing, share their memory verse, and at least one skit. We are praying that many parents will come with them to hear I John 3:1a, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”

We have many possible things to do this week:  visit another Roma village; repair a couple of roofs on shacks in this village; work with boys; visit women. We are praying for God's leading in the best ways to spend our time.

Here are our prayer requests,
--wisdom in choosing how to spend our time;
--girls' camp;
--adequate translator support;
--good health;
--good team work

Thank you again for the power you send through your prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Monday, June 2, 2014

Team Work in Moldova

Ever worked with a team of four different nationalities, all of them different from your own?A couple of years ago we did a children's week-long Bible club in a Romany village in the Republic of Moldova + a women's outreach. Our team consisted of a Romanian (the only blond), a lot of local Romany believers (with Moldovan passports), some local Romanian-speaking Moldovan believers, me (the U.S. citizen), and a German woman from our Dutch Baptist Church (pictured below). 
In a few weeks, we're going to do a reprise of this international, inter-ethnic team work. Seven or eight people from the Dutch Baptist Churches here in Arnhem (including the woman pictured left), the same Romanian (who will NOT be the only blond), lots of local Romany believers, and some local Romanian-speaking Moldovan believers. We will be there for two weeks--plenty of time to do a three-day children's program, a day camp for teenaged and pre-teen girls, possibly something similar for boys, + a women's outreach. Oh, yes, and once again I will be the only American and the only native English-speaker. Unless, of course, some of you choose to join the team as prayer support--wherever you are and in whatever language you use to talk with God.

Trip: June 24-July 8. To join us as prayer support, write to me at holmes(at)  (If you have not seen emails listed in this form before, it is to cut down on spam.  Replace (at) with @ and email Mary.)