"Jesus" and "Paul" have the most lines in a recording of the New Testament. We had begun recording "Jesus" without knowing who would play "Paul." This became a chief prayer point for a whole week.
Dennis came as a proof-listener for "Jesus" that entire week. This was especially interesting since "Jesus" is Dennis' son-in-law. They worked together well, though.
During the course of that week, several more men came to audition. None of them were right for the part of "Paul," though. Either they did not have enough time or enough skill or a "Paul" sort of voice. Folks at the Bible Society had been saying that Dennis could do it. After the last audition, they asked him to consider it.

Dennis is well-known to the folks at the Bible Society. Several of his Christian novels are even for sale in the bookstore here. Dennis had originally planned to spend the summer writing his next one. But he was quite willing to consider "Paul." In fact, he was beaming when he came out of his conference with the Bible Society folks. Then he immediately went somewhere private to share the good news with his wife by phone.
Shortly after Dennis became a Christian, he ended up in the hospital for an extended period of time. He used the opportunity to read through the entire Bible! In the years since then, he has read the Bible through at least another 17 times. He has preached, spoken, and studied. Now he writes novels to illustrate spiritual truths. And today he read through the first two chapters of Romans. We thank God for "Paul."