Sunday, December 20, 2020

I was walking home this evening when I saw this stenciled onto the bike path. A literal translation from Dutch to English is:

Set your light on.

What an appropriate reminder, I thought. Not just for cyclists during these dark winter months, but especially for us Christians. The days seem dark for many. Some chafe at Corona-related restrictions. Others mourn loved ones lost to Corona. Some wonder why one candidate was declared the new US president. Others wonder why the current US president refused to admit it. We Christians have been given the perspective of eternity. We have been given the Light of the world. 

The people who lived in darkness
have seen a bright light.
A light has risen
for those who live in a land overshadowed by death. 

Matthew 4:16 (God's Word translation) 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

It's fun to see these kids playing MOSAIC

Would you like to play Mosaic, too? 

How-to video available at:  Davar on YouTube

Written instructions in Romanian, English, and Dutch available at: Davar: Bridging to Literacy

Many thanks to Vasilita, for leading this children's club;

to Coco for translating this game into Romanian;

and to Alina for being the voice for the Romanian version.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Een kwartje voor een karweitje

Three little kids stood by the door, calling out, "Een kwartje voor een karwietje!"  (literally, "a quarter for a chore"). It's a Dutch custom that doesn't occur all that often. But I usually have a small chore ready. In this case, they got a trash bag, disposable gloves, the promise of a quarter each if they filled the bag with litter. The littlest one, a boy in a "Pete" costume, held the bag. 

Pete helps the Dutch Sinterklaas distribute gifts. Tomorrow evening is pakjes avond (package evening) when people exchange suprises (gifts) with gedichtjes (silly poems). These children were small enough to still believe that the good Saint Nicholas was the one who brought them. 

The trash bag they brought back was not very full. But in the spirit of the season--and because of a lack of change--they each got a whole Euro instead of a quarter. 

Wishing you all much joy, whether or not children surprise you at the door!