Project Ruth receives a number of groups during the summer. These groups usually organize Vactation Bible School for kids from the Ruth School and surrounding neighborhood. Very few teenagers have the opportunity to visit the Ruth School during the school year. This year Catherine Hasty decided to spend her spring break at the Ruth School while her dad, Tim, came to Bucharest on business (training Romanian custom officials). Catherine's first visit was with the Acteen group from FBC Aiken, S.C., but this time she was serving alone as she participated in various classes during the mornings and spending time with Romanian youth from Providence Church in the afternoons.

Catherine (back row - middle) with 6th Grade Class
Catherine said, "I am an elementary education major, so I really enjoyed seeing what classes are like in another country...Even though this trip was a lot different, it was just as meaningful and something I will always remember!" Project Ruth is thankful for students like Catherine who love to serve and to be apart of the children's lives at the Ruth School.
You can read more from Catherine from her daily journal on facebook by clicking here.
For more opportunities on serving at the Ruth School, during the school term or summer, contact Project Ruth at
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