Our daughters are greater fans of indoor plumbing than previously. The house we stayed at in Moldova had hot and cold running water (except for that small problem with the pump and the well) and a flush toilet (ditto), but many places we visited did not. Including the pastor's house right there in the "county seat" of Nisporeni. Theirs seemed luxurious, thou
gh, compared to some I've visited. Like the one without a light (or even a half-moon cut out of the door) situated sensibly in the far corner of the yard--which happened to be, unsanitarily, uphill from the family well. Such situations are one of the reasons Pastor Petru & Olesea Ciochina are interested in an eco-toilet. Though it's possible to make one from scratch, we'll be bringing a major component on our next visit. Check it out--you might be interested in one yourself! http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/wasser/8524.htm

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