The old saying goes, "Patience is a virtue." How many times have we laughingly said, "Lord give me patience and give it to me now!"? For Adam Hufnagel, a Hungarian lay leader, the fruit of the Spirit was very present. For 20 years, Adam and his wife, Lenke, have traveled to the village of Solvadkert to be the presence of Christ among the Roma there. They began a Roma Club as an outreach to share the Good News. Adam and Lenke faithfully went to the village, building relationships and patiently giving of themselves. Many seeds were planted and nourished but no Roma made an outward declaration to follow Christ - until recently. Adam and Lenke reaped their first harvest this past week when the first group of professing believers was baptized. Gyula Sztojka with seven members of his family entered the waters to profess Jesus as their Savior for the whole village to see. It was a wonderful celebration with praise songs, testimony, new Bibles, and prayers said for each new believer. The Fruit of the Spirit... patience and faithfulness for 20 years.
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