"We're acting like the children." "This is fun" "I don't have to cook? or do the dishes?" These were just a few of the phrases heard today by the team of the Women's Missionary Union of Virginia in the little Roma (Gypsy) Baptist Church in the village of Szatmarcserke. The day began with a praise time led by three of the local Roma women. Becky McKinney, past president of the WMU VA spoke giving a message on celebrating life and that we as women are uniquely made by God. The necklace making that followed was fun and we remarked that our beauty comes from the inside - having hearts that love the Lord - but it is nice to have something beautiful to wear too! For Becky's second message she shared from her own experience and reminded the ladies God gave his son for us. She reminded them that God forgives and loves us no matter what. Then came the highlight of the day - learning to decorate cakes. As the afternoon progressed giggles broke out, good natured teasing was heard about one's decorating skills, and you could see the women relax. They were having a great time! After the group picture they gathered up their cakes and supplies, greeted each other with "God Bless You" and headed out to show off their handiwork with smiles and singing.
The goal of the day was to offer encouragement to a group of women for whom life is hard and to allow them a time of fellowship and fun. Hearing the sound of the laughter as they made their way down the street back to their families and responsibilities, we knew God had blessed us all and the day was a success.
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