It was a marvelous summer! Our three college students gave of themselves over and over with servant attitudes, flexibility, and lots of laughter. Caitlin, Kolby, and Nina served for six weeks with the McNarys in The Czech Republic and Slovakia and with the Stocks in Hungary. They immersed themselves in Roma culture and eagerly learned a few words of language. They gave out lots of hugs, acted out Bible stories, sang silly songs, made many friends, and cheerfully did whatever was needed. Our Gypsy Ministries Team appreciates their willingness to be the hands and feet of Christ among the Roma of eastern Europe. Thank you!
Student.GO is a CBF program for college and seminary students to spend summers or school semesters serving among the most neglected peoples. We recommend it to students feeling a call to serve. It will change your world! Want to know more? Check out: http://studentdotgo.ning.com/
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