Irina is a typical Roma woman living in the Ferentari district of Bucharest, Romania. She, her husband, and their nine-year-old twins live in a one-room block apartment in the highest crime neighborhood of the city. She struggles to raise her twins. Her eldest son is in prison, and as a Roma Irina had difficulty finding work. The bright spot in her life was participating in Providenta Baptist Church just a few blocks from her home. She was welcomed there along with her children who proudly participate in the children’s program.

Irina was baptized and her children began at the Ruth School, an accredited Christian school situated in the heart of Ferentari. Irina secured part-time and later full-time work with the school’s housecleaning staff. Her children receive instruction from caring teachers, a free hot meal at lunch, medical check-ups, and shoes and new clothing distributed by Project Ruth. Irina loves seeing her children happy and learning during her workday. She has gained so much trust that sometimes teachers will call upon her to monitor their class for just a few minutes. While the world might look down on Irina as a Roma with no more than menial work, she has become the responsible wage-earner who supplies for her family. Praise God for exalting the lowly!
Ralph & Tammy Stocks, Romania/Hungary
Prayer request:
· More churches like Providenta who welcome Roma in their fellowship.
· More employment opportunities for Roma like Irina.
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