Thursday, February 27, 2014

Three Photos From My (Mary's) Work

An assignment from a class I'm taking on social media was to spontaneously take three photos of our work and post them with captions.

Keeper of the calendar, weekly as well as monthly and yearly.

Household manager. Though I don’t do all the cooking and cleaning, I organize it and make sure it gets done.

Oh, and I also do things related to Romany work—write prayer letters, answer correspondence, do prayer updates when Keith is out on a recording project, put together communication things like this set of three photos . . . . I may have taken this assignment a bit too literally. 

But now I’m curious—what would three photos taken in the next 5 minutes show about your work?

1 comment:

  1. Not much. :-) I am home and just resting! Thanks for this glimpse into your life, Mary.
