Dutch volunteer showing contribution to Petru | |
Though I have never skinned a cat, I frequently tell my children that there's more than one way to do so.* There's more than one way to contribute to spreading the Gospel, too. Stichting** Hands to Serve does so by taking donations from people (laptops, cars, greeting cards, blenders . . .), repairing items as needed (laptops, cars . . .), and making them available free of charge to missionaries. A member of our recent Dutch team to Moldova did so by contacting Stichting Hands to Serve for a laptop. The computer our partner in Romany outreach in Moldova had been using no longer worked, and he could not afford to replace it. But not only did the Dutch team member contact Stichting Hands to serve, he drove across the country (admittedly a small country) to pick up the laptop and then hand-delivered it to Petru Ciochina in Moldova. Since this is the only computer available to the church Petru serves and since in additional to all the other uses a pastor/missionary has for a computer, Petru also uses his to Skype chat with Roma church members working abroad (as well as me, by the way), this definitely is one way to contribute to spreading the Gospel. What's one way you've done so recently?
*American idiom meaning that there's more than one way to do something.
**Stichting = Foundation or Organization.
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