Last year this time Keith and I spent a couple of months in Poznan, Poland. He and our daughter Ellen were working on a recording project with Faith Comes by Hearing. With great difficulty, I learned the Polish word for thank you (dziękuję). I did not learn much more Polish than that, though I would sometimes amuse myself by collecting unpronounceable-looking Polish words like wszystkich,
przy, andgdyż. You would have to ask Keith's brother Ted or his sister-in-law Bev what these words mean. (They work as church planters in Warsaw.)
Poznan (Ellen, too)
I came away from this experience with a new respect for our colleagues who have learned Slavic languages. Rachel Brunclikova is fluent in both Czech and Slovak. Diane and Shane McNary work in Slovak. Jon and Tanya Parks can make their way in Slovak and are daily learning more. Former CBF Romany Team members Frank and Cindy Dawson still speak Russian. Kudos to you all--and to all of our readers who have taken the plunge to learn another language!
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