Friday, February 10, 2017

Getting Better in Basque Country

Note the poster outside this church in northwest Spain. Can you identify the two languages? Yes, one is indeed Spanish. The other is Euskara, known to outsiders as Basque.  It's one of the oldest languages in Europe, unrelated to any other living language. 
Keith was working with Basque believers in this church to record the New Testament in their language. 
Ever had your tummy feel funny when in a very different place? Keith's got so funny that he ended up spending a week in the hospital. Which was not funny.
He's been out of the hospital for a few days now. But he needs to go home, see his regular doctor, and recuperate. So yesterday, he packed up the studio in this church. He hopes to feel better in a few weeks. One way or another, he wants to make sure that this recording project is completed. Because Basque people prefer Euskara. As you can see from the poster, their language is on top. (And no, I don't know what the poster says. Do any of you?)

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