It's that time of year again. Last week Keith turned on the heat in our house. It was easy to do--he just adjusted the thermostat. We have a stable income and a contract with the local energy company. The heat came on.
For some reason, it didn't come on in our church last Sunday. They even had the energy company take a look at it, but we ended up keeping our coats on during the service.
Our brothers and sisters in the Romany village of Vulcanesti often do that during the colder months, as you can see in this photo from the women's Wednesday night meeting this past week. There is finally some sort of heat in the church, so the building can be used in the colder months, but it is not toasty warm in there.

He suggested two things:
Living in the Romany village of Vulcanesti becomes increasingly difficult, especially in the cold period of the year (6 months). In the Republic of Moldova most people heat houses with firewood. But this has become very expensive, even for those who have financial possibilities. We are talking about the poor: elders, widows and families with many children.

2. In the local church recently began the work with women.They need many things necessary for their lives.
- Relationship with God
- Prayer time (some sisters have difficulty praying in public, and this because of the context in which they grew up)
- Learning Bible verses
- Raising children and their involvement in school
- Relationship with their husbands.
- And many other problems.
The wife of the pastor of the local church, Olesea Ciochina, took on the responsibility of helping these women eager for such a fellowship. But this requires support.Transport, some important needs of the women group (medicines, food, etc.).
If you feel led to move to Moldova for 2-5 years to work towards a sustainable solution to this heating problem, let us know! If you feel led to contribute in some other way, feel free to add to the collection through the Baptist Church in Arnhem-Centrum (baptisten-arnhem.nl) or These ladies will not be the only ones who thank you for sharing the warmth. through our programming fund .
These ladies will not be the only ones who thank you for sharing the warmth.
Thinking of James 2:15,
Mary & Keith.
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