Tuesday, September 15, 2020

He Had A Dream

A day after we posted the "She had a dream" blog, we received this reflection from Dr. Dale Meredith. It seemed too "coincidental" to not share in this follow-up blog. 

Joseph was engaged to marry Mary.  He heard that she was pregnant.  He thought about privately breaking the engagement.  “While he was thinking about this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary to be your wife.  For it is by the Holy Spirit that she has conceived (Matthew 1:20).’”  Joseph married Mary.  Jesus was born and after the wise men had left, “an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, ‘… get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave (Matthew 2:13).’”  Joseph, Mary, and the child left during the night for Egypt.  “After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother, and go back to the land of Israel (Matthew 1:19-20).’”  So Joseph took Mary and Jesus back to Israel.  When Joseph was afraid to go to Judah, he received more instructions in a dream, so he made his home in a town named Nazareth (Matthew 2:22-23).

An angel is a messenger from God.  Mary learned about and accepted her selection to be the mother of Jesus in a conversation with an angel (Luke 1:26-38).  Joseph heard God speak to him by an angel at critical times in dreams.  Mary had one conversation with an angel.  Joseph received instructions from an angel in multiple dreams.  God speaks to different people in different ways.  Each person hears, learns, and reacts differently.  God communicates to you in ways you can understand.  When God speaks to you it will be consistent with His plans and purposes as shown in the Bible.  That is why it is important to study and memorize scriptures.  It is from the study that you learn what God’s plans and purposes are.  Then when he speaks you will better understand what he wants you to do.  God does not speak to everyone in the same way.  You must be alert, recognize, and listen to God for instructions.

Let us know God’s love for us and love him.  Let us be his witnesses.  Let us listen to the Scriptures and let them guide us in what we do.  Let us listen when God speaks through prophets, family members, friends, nature, angels, or dreams to call us to follow God.  Let us hear God whisper to us and then do what God whispers.  Let us ask for help to understand what some teachings in the Bible mean.  Let us memorize Bible verses so we will follow Jesus and not sin against God.  Let us see what needs to be done and do it with God’s help.  Let us obey God even when it is difficult.  God helps, comforts, and guides us even if it appears dark and we cannot see the future.  I pray that we all: Be smart, be careful, be helpful, be safe, and not be afraid.  God is with us now and forever.​

Dale D. Meredith
Pastor, University Baptist Church, Amherst, New York and
Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Buffalo

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