Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Blessing the Hard Drive

Keith recently spent about three weeks in Kenya. He recorded the Jesus film in Sengwer and the Magdalena Project in Marakwet.

These are just two of the forty or so languages spoken in Kenya. 

Here Keith is walking with the sister who was the voice of Mary Magdalene and Pastor Edwin who was also closely involved with the project. 

The Jesus film is already available in Marakwet. The Magdalena Project is a shorter, woman-focused retelling of Jesus' life and ministry. 

The Sengwer pastors who gathered for the final review of the Jesus film were excited about this tool for sharing the Gospel with their own people. 

They wanted a tangible way to bless the film, so the main translator (who was also the voice of Jesus) grabbed the hard drive of the computer Keith had used in the recording. They all laid hands on it as they sang and prayed. 

The film was blessed  . . . and so was Keith. 

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