Saturday, September 20, 2014

Healthcare and Cultural Awareness

Prior to moving to Slovakia, I worked as a Registered Nurse in several different areas: Critical Care, Labor & Delivery, Home Health, and Nursing Instructor to name a few. Nursing provided me with a comfortable income and a way to support myself and my family.  Even though I don’t work in the same capacity as before moving to Slovakia, I still consider myself a nurse and maintain my license. Healthcare education is one of the ministry areas I am involved with in our work here in Slovakia.  Staying up-to-date is important.   

Taking vitals on a 2008 trip to India to learn from friends and colleagues
While looking for required CEUs online, I came across an offering entitled Moving Past Stereotypes with the Roma.  Even though it did not offer a lot of new information for me, it is good to know there is information out there directly related to work with Roma.  Being sensitive to the cultural differences and needs of an ethnic group is just one way to build relationships. 

I am also looking forward to the next article and review which is about how awareness of cultural context of the patience influences their care - from mental health to pain management, women's health to effective communication with patients who have limited English communication skills. Cultural Competence for Today's Health Care Professionals can provide this missionary/nurse with excellent tools to use in ministry.

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