Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Resourcing . . . Brazil?

There are thousands, perhaps millions of Romany (Gypsies) in Latin America. This past week, a Wycliffe Bible Translator in Brazil contacted us. They were thinking of beginning a translation project in Calon, the variety of Romani that was spoken in Spain and Portugal. The language has reportedly died out on the Iberian pennisula, though the Romany there are still very much in evidence, dancing flamingo and being Romany. We were able to link the translator with a Romany pastor in Argentina who helped translate the New Testament into a version of Kalderash Romani there. The Argentinian is aquainted with a Calo Romany priest in Brazil who had begun translating the New Testament some years ago. Hopefully all of these connections will bear fruit. “Resource coordinator” is our job title; this is how it sometimes plays out . . . in ways which we will not directly see, through contacts we have never personally met, via networking which has occurred over the last decade and a half. God bless the Romany in Brazil!

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